Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Buds and birds

Sunshine and heavy showers today. Here is one of my woodpigeons which visit the bird-table every day (I also get two collared doves, bluetits, a couple of blackbirds and a robin) I took this photo myself, but had to be very patient and actually took about 20 pictures till I got the one I wanted

The buds on the Stargazer lillies are just about to burst into flower and the pink hydrangea flowerheads are almost open, another couple of weeks and they'll be a blaze of colour. I am getting a second flush of flowers on my blue alpine clematis which covers the fence behind the garage and the peach patio rose is in full bloom, despite the amount of rain we've had.


The Crafts House said...

I love popping into your blog to see whats the bird!!

Whyite said...

Looks like your patience and pictures taken to get the right shot was rewarded. Lovely Rose!

jaki said...

Mary it looks like you garden is ready to burst into colour if the rain lets up long enough to let it.
Great picture of the bird :)

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

My stargazers are just starting to show buds, lovely photos, that is one well fed pigeon :).

jmb said...

Lovely shots as usual. Is that a Peace rose?

The Crafts House said...

are you ok in there mary?has the snail appeared again!!