Sunday, 6 January 2008

Tiny conifers

The snow didn't last very long and it's all melted away - the sun is shining and it is a crisp, chilly day. I thought I would replant the pansy plants which the birds have pecked out in their search for insects and also plant the tiny conifer cuttings that someone gave to Andrea - I haven't a clue what they are, or how big they will grow, but it will be interesting to watch them develop. I'll take some photos from time to timeAll the Christmas china and decorations have been packed away for next year - even though the family said I was very mean - the tree and other decorations have been up since 1st December and were beginning to look dusty!
I like to look at my Spode 'Christmas Rose' tea set in the dresser, but am too nervous to actually use it - I must have been feeling flush when I bought this set - I certainly couldn't afford it now!
I have been collecting Spode 'Christmas Tree' tableware for about thirty years and have quite a collection now. It all comes out on 1st December and we use it every day until it is packed away for the next time


Whyite said...

Thats a fine china set you have. My Grandmother gave my wife a set with roses on it. We never use them but have them displayed in a corner china cabinet. Afraid we would break something.

Piondröm said...

What fine christmasporslin!
We have looked for one in Sweden but whith no good resault.
We are werry glad that you come and visit our gardenblog, and you are so welcome.
We have now translate the text for you about the Tulips.
Regards Ken&Carina

Dawn said...

Gorgeous Dinner set Andreas mummy.
You have a beautiful garden.

The Crafts House said...

I have collected spode since getting married and it too comes out on special occasions!I love your christmas spode...

Mia said...

Hello Mary! I am so impressed by your beautiful collection of Spode Christmas china! I really like (and know) the "Christmas Tree" one, but the "Christmas Rose" one is new to me. It must be quite sad to pack them away until next 1. December!

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your nice comment. And I have really enjoyed my visit here. I am sure to come back too.

Reginas Cottage said...

Wonderful christmas china from spode
you have.I love it all.Your blog is
wonderful.I'm sure I come back.
Have a nice evening