Saturday, 17 November 2007

Mid November

Well, it's mid-November and the house is full of the smell of Christmas Cake baking in the oven - lovely! Too wet underfoot to garden so I popped out to take some picturesI love winter pansies - such cheerful little plants and no trouble at all. I've got them in pots and borders. The flowers will die off as the weather gets worse, but they'll bounce back in the Spring.

The brightest flower in the garden to-day is this purple primrose

. The leaves have all dropped from the trees, most of them on to my lawn!
This is the nicotiana that lived through last winter - it's still flowering!! I'm keeping an eye on it to see if it manages to last another year
The geraniums on the deck are still flowering outside. The cuttings I took a while ago have all taken and are safely indoors
The pink patio rose is still going strongMy wallflowers can't wait until Spring !!
Poor, sad, collapsed hydrangea - this is the hydrangea that collapsed under the weight of it's huge flowers back in the Summer when we had all that terrible rain. I'll have to be brave and give it a good old prune!!

The litle viburnam is covered with white/pink flowers and clusters of buds

I tried to take a photo of the yellow winter jasmine, but I didn't want to walk over the wet soil. Anyway, you can just about see it on the fence


RUTH said...

Your garden looks lovely even in November. A week of hard frosts has now shrivelled most of my late bloomers. My Winter Jasmine has just started flowing too :o)

jaki said...

Mary, how wonderful does your garden look going into winter!!
And what a big difference a fortnight has made to those tall trees!

I particularly love your pansies, they bring back fond memories of my Gran :)

Take care and keep warm Mary. xx

The Crafts House said...

...we have had sooo much gloom and rain over the last 2 days looking at your garden cheers me up!!

Whyite said...

I love Pansies as well. Your garden still looks lovely!