Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Summertime at last .......

We've had some glorious sunshine, really warm (we could actually eat our evening meal on the patio!!) and everything in the garden is bursting with fresh colour. Remember my first attempt at making compost in a huge plastic bin? - well, it works a treat. To-day I have shovelled 4 wheelbarrows of dark, crumbly compost - I am so pleased! I will continue to add my veg and garden waste and will look forward to more free compost at the end of the year!! I have taken some photos and here they are
A cute little Ladybird - hope she eats all the greenflyBluebells
The Alpine clematis is now in full bloom - very pretty
The cherry tree near the deck - a bumper crop of blossom
My beautiful, brown compost
The little Acer I rescued from the pot at the end of last Summer obviously enjoys living in this little bed!
Up by the deck, all the trees are in full leaf
Isn't this azelea beautiful? I got a white one at the same time, a birthday gift a couple of years ago, but it never flowers. I moved it to another part of the garden last year, but still I have only leaves - no flowers
My 'free' foreget-me-nots - they come up every year without any help from me
The rockery - isn't this Acer stunning next to the new bright green growth on the conifer?

Even in a well loved garden - Dandelions flourish!!!!